Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Moms tend to be a little awestruck when looking at something that used to be inside of them. And just think, this is all just a product of random evolution! Give me a break!
Nothing to say about this one except this is the cutest picture I know of.
Pictures of little Ava getting her weight checked. I know girls are insecure about their weight, but I didn't know it started at 5 minutes old.

Now I know what most of you are thinking, "Jonathan you shouldn't be teaching your child gang symbols so young." Well the answer to that is, Yeah yeah I know, but I'm her father, I'll do whatever I want.
Yep, that's the international signal for, "on the phone." Girls start young on the phone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So...I'm not familiar. Is Ava a blood or a crip? I...I can't make out her gang sign.